Hydro turbines of various designs and sizes. This includes the installation of new plant and machinery: the refurbishment, repair, modifications and maintenance servicing of hydro plant and machinery.
Generators ranging in power output of 50kw up to 150mw.
Turbine types to include: Kaplin, Pelton, Frances, Cross Flow.
Substantial knowledge having worked on all of Scotland’s largest pump storage hydro power plants working on generator/motors and turbines along with ancillary plant and machinery.
Experienced mechanical engineers available at short notice to cover emergency situations.
Annual inspection and maintenance work.
Proven track record in the modification, rectification and installation of main inlet valves on key projects within the UK.
Detailed dismantling and controlled re-assembly.
In-depth examination and technical evaluation.
Work carried out in plants throughout the UK.
Trained in clean conditions and foreign material exclusion (F.M.E).